When staying at a place for one month you would naturally need one thing - food. So we went out for our first shopping at Woolworth's on Bribie Islands. While we were shopping I had several flashbacks to the very first time my brother and I were out shopping, back in the days when we shared apartment. We literally had nothing at all, so we had to buy everything from a toilet brush to food in our fridge. The cart just got bigger and bigger, so did it this time as well. I guess we got carried away. Now I believe we have food for at least a half year.
The other day, it was my turn making food. I have choosed to make pizza. As described above I already got the ingredients I needed (plus little extra snack). I decided to make six delicious medium size pizza (we were 5 persons, one whole pizza for each, plus one extra for those who were really hungry). What I didn't counted on were something called "jetleg". I never really experienced this before - even when I was in USA I didn't feel any noticeable effect on me. I always thought jetleg were just effecting sleep, but apperantly it also effect the appetite. So it turns out I just ate a quarter piece. As you can see on the picture we have pizza for several days... Just give me a note if you like some!

Today, we went out for a sightseeing in the wealthy neighborhood. I must say the houses looked very nice, with big garages, nice colors (not too dazzling). Each house wasn't that different from each other, but still enough to have it's personal style. Some houses even had a canal running close up to the house were you were able to have a boat. As we were gazing at these houses we accidentally bumped into a little friend called Emu.

We were told that this bird were very uncommon walking at this area of Bribie Island. Even the locals were impressed to see it here. So I thought it was a nice little gesture for us tourists. I wonder if someone put it up, just for us?
By the way. I haven't showed you my little toy I just recently got. Before I got to Australia I ordered a Nikkor 30-700mm zoom lens for my camera in Hong Kong and shipped it to Australia. For all of you who don't know what this lens does is, it simply means I can take pictures of that sweet "little" Emu above, and sit in a car 20-30 meters away, which I actually also did.
(Picture comes later)

Greetings from Bongaree, Bribie Island, july 3
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