There are two (and probably a lot more) nice things about the modern look of Brisbane; First: You have all these high hotels and business buildings which actually have a nice good looking architecture. The problems in many cities is that many entrepreneurs doesn't care about how the building look like among other buildings. All this seems to be taken care of in Brisbane. Second: Among all these high modern buildings you could find small green areas and old buildings. The contrast between these buildings, mixing between new and old buildings never seemed to scorch the surroundings of Brisbane. I am impressed!
This is where I bring you to the Australian fairytale, or the Aussie fairytale. People Down Under like to shorten everything. I even read that some say just 'Oz' as Australia, as in 'Wizard of Oz'. Barbecue would be 'Barbi', Mercedes is 'Merci'. Darling is 'darl'. On the other hand, they like to expand words that are already short. The last thing may be a joke, I am not sure. Now this was a digression. The fairytale is called 'The Orange Juice Factory' and were performed by a few people on the middle of the street in Brisbane (In case you wonder the fairytale idea is by my self). A couple of days ago I just finished a novel called 'Appelsinpiken' (The Orange Girl) by the Norwegian author/philosopher Jostein Gaarder. I don't want to spoil what the book is about in case you want to read it, but I can tell you its about a boy who finds a letter specifically written to himself by his dad before he died. The letter is a story about a girl known as the 'Orange girl'. It may (or may not) be a coincidence that I also saw this act on the street which became the source to this little story of a fairytale.
The Orange Juice Factory - Part 1This is the end of the first part of The Orange Juice Factory - an Australian fairytale. In a few days I will try finish the story. Meanwhile you can check out some of the pictures I've taken so far.
- An Australian fairytale by Lars Chr. GamborgOnce upon a time. Far, far away to the west of the land of skies and east of the desert, there were a humble little factory near the forest. The workers at the factory didn't have any names, they just called them self whatever that were suitable for them self. So there were the Manager, the Scientist, the Mechanic and the Pilot. They called the factory - The Orange Juice Factory.
The Manager was dressed in a long gray coat and a black top hat. The coat were reaching all way to the floor. The top hat were old a worn out, but everyone could see he was the manager because he were walking strange, just like and aristocrat with his nose in the air. But he were never rude to anyone. He treated everyone with respect and walked all around the factory and checked if everything were like as it should be.
The Manager had one daughter that he loved very much. It wasn't hard to know that she was the daughter of the Manager - she were walking just like the Manager, the same aristocratic way with the nose in the air. She was always wearing a nice beige and orange dress. Her hair was long blondish curly hair. The Daughter liked very much to be in the forest just beside the Orange Juice Factory. Whenever she was out she had her binoculars. Her father, the Manager once gave it to her as a birthday gift. Everyday at noon she would go for a long walk and every day she met the Pilot who were out gathering oranges to the factory. As the Daughter met the Pilot she said:
- "Good morning Pilot"
The Daughter knew it was the Pilot, because he was always wearing a nice yellow suit that all pilots wear. And he also got those nice big glasses the pilots wear. Whenever he were out flying and collecting oranges, he would wear those pilot glasses. The Pilot responded:
- "Good morning Daughter"
Now, you may think it's very strange that the Pilot would call her "Daughter", because it was not his own daughter. But everyone knew it was the Daughter of the Manager, so there were no confuse at all.When the Daughter wasn't walking in the forest and playing she sometimes helped her father in the Orange Juice Factory. Everyday when the Daughter were together at the factory the Manager explained all the things happening on this factory, from the very start to the very end of making... Yes, you guessed it right - Orange Juice. The Manager explained:
- "Everyone who works at the Orange Juice Factory are important. Everyone have their own little assignment. Even you, my Daughter, is an important part of the Orange Juice Factory. It is of the uttermost importance that everyone do what they are suppose to do, if not, there will be no orange juice. If one fail to do its job, there wouldn't be any orange juice either. So it is important that we help each other all the time."
The Daughter liked when his father were talking about the Orange Juice Factory. The Manager said:
- "Look, there is the Scientist! He is the one who have the formula of the orange juice. He know exactly what to do, to make the best Orange Juice."
The Daughter said:
- "There is the Pilot! What does he do?"
The Manager continues:
- "Yes, that's our Pilot. You meet him every day in the forest, remember? He collects the oranges for the big pot in the factory."
The Manager and the Daughter continued further into the Orange Factory. The Manager pointed high up in the roof and said:
- "Here is the Mechanic. He is responsible for the machines at the Orange Juice Factory. He would be all around the factory just to make sure the machines works as it should. Whenever a machine stops working, he would be the one working all day and night to make it fixed."
The Daughter were pointing up on the Mechanic and asked:
- "Why is it sitting up below the roof?"The Manager replied:
- "If you look closely, you see some knifes. The Mechanic is cleaning the knifes. The knifes are used to cut the oranges before it is squeezed to juice."
The Daughter were frightened to hear about the knifes. They look big, sharp and dangerous. She shouted as loud as she could to the Mechanic:
- "Mechanic, take care. Don't get hurt!"
The Mechanic smiled and shouted back:
- "Thank you!" The Mechanic replied. "I will. Take care you too, Daughter."
It has been a long and experienced day, the Daughter thought for her self. As she went to sleep she had one final question for her father, the Manager.
The Manager wondered what his daughter might ask about. He have used all day telling her all about the factory and how it works.
The Daughter said:
- "Earlier today you said I had a special part on the Orange Juice Factory. What is this special assignment that I have?"
The Manager replied:
- "My dear! It's late now, you have to sleep. Tomorrow I will tell you about your part of the Orange Juice Factory."
The Daughter thought it has been a wonderful day. She met so many new people at the factory and were wondering what her part of it all were. She also came on another idea that she wanted to ask her father, the Manager, but that has to wait till tomorrow. The Manager had already left her room, back to the Orange Factory.
Greetings from Bongaree, Bribie Island, Australia
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