Photographing fireworks is not as easy as it looks like. I tried this for my first time this year (or last year). I don't claim to be a pro at photos, but I have to say I was able to catch a few nice shots. Judge yourself! I know I can work a bit more with the composition and the backgrounds, but as a experiment it went very well. To catch the nice streams of light from the rockets you can't be to late or to early. It's not just about timing, but also about just trying over and over again until you get the right picture.

Make sure you are ready in your life with your camera and be sure its all set up right from the start, because there might only be one chance. When the rocket goes off and the light is out. You either have it in your camera... or not.
I also wanna wish a special happy trip for a friend of mine, Reinder in Holland. Be sure to read his nice blog. As far as I know he is going to China later this year. I hope someone know what he is doing, because he doesn't seem to know himself :)
Happy trip Reinder and a happy new year to you all!